Amodeus Labrada

Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Aether

MAGIC ◉○○○○


"You cannot call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of great violence. If you are not capable of violence, then you are not peaceful. You are harmless. It is important to learn the difference."

Gender: Male
Height: 6 fulms 6 ilms
Weight: 215 ponz.
Age: Early 30s (biologically)
Race: Hyur - Highlander
Birthplace: Ishgard
Alignment: Chaotic Good(ish)
Occupation: Treasure Hunter

Skills: Multiple forms of martial combat, particularly excelling at the sword and axe, adept at puzzle solving by necessity, passable as a teacher against his will, abysmal at cooking, fishes as a hobby and a way to unwind

Languages: Eorzean, Old Auri (basic understanding, it's like hearing a small child speak), Allagan, Mhachi, Skallic

Marks: Numerous smaller scars, handprint shaped burn scar over his heart, bite scar spanning torso, scar crossing his face from left side of his forehead to his right jaw, electrical burn scars on both hands, arcane tattoos covering most of his body, chest and back

Notes: Speaks with a faded Ishgardian accent, eyes faintly glow red which he makes no effort to hide



- Approach him about a job, he doesn't advertise but he's clearly the stereotypical 'adventurer' type. Maybe you heard about him from a friend of a friend.

- He's unfortunately (according to him) been responsible for helping teach and train newer adventurers at either combat or dungeon diving. He might be able to be convinced to do it again.


- Maybe you recognize him from Ishgard, or from during the time he's spent travelling.

- When he was still in Ishgard, he was affiliated with a minor noble house. Feel free to ask about that, if you think it's an angle that would work for you.

- Did your character serve on one side or the other in the Dragonsong War? They might recognize him, ask about this one.


- Maybe you've heard through the grapevine that someone has their hands on some relic or another that you're interested in.

Surprise me! Despite Amo being a snarky sonofabitch, I'm reasonably friendly, and I'm open to any ideas you might have!

Out of Character

Be aware that Amodeus lives in a perpetual state of No Fucks Left To Give, but if I'm responding, I'm willing to RP and am not trying to push you off to somewhere else (even if that's what Amodeus says he's doing). Everything I say or do IC is IC ONLY and should not be taken to reflect my own views or beliefs. If you have an issue with something that he said or did ICly, approach me OOCly and we'll most likely be able to talk it out peacefully.
That being said, I am absolute crap at being the one to approach people, so me not interacting shouldn't be construed as disinterest. I've probably looked at your carrd, I'm just still working on social skills.
And if I'm not wearing my tag, say something. Almost always willing to go IC if needed or wanted.